How to Give the Perfect Toast

There can be a lot of pressure on those giving toasts at weddings, rehearsal dinners and parties… and for good reason. Too long of a toast and it can throw off the party; too boring of a toast and it will tire the guests; and a toast with inappropriate references… well, that could potentially ruin the entire night!
Here at The Event Group we have seen it all. We have taken notes on what works, what doesn’t work and what really wows guests. Today we are sharing our tips to ease your nerves as you prepare to toast to the newlyweds!
One of the first things you learn in elementary school is how to write. Your teacher may have explained that you need an ‘attention grabber’. This still applies today. Start your toast off with a story (touching or funny works), a meaningful quote, a song, verse from the bible, poem, etc. These are all great ways to grab the audience’s attention. Here are some quotes we have gathered to start you off on the right foot:
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance. -1 Corinthians 13:7
My greatest wish for the two of you is that through the years your love for each other will so deepen and grow, that years from now you will look back on this day, your wedding day, as the day you loved each other the least.
After you obtain everyone’s attention, introduce yourself and how you know the bride or groom. This is where you can lead into the body of your speech. The best lead in to the body of the speech is how you met the bride or groom, but keep it short and sweet. Remember this is about the bride and groom, not you and your friendship with the bride/groom.
What to include in the body of your speech:
-something to make the audience laugh
– advice to the couple
– a memory of the couple
– Thanking the hosts for the beautiful event
In closing, you’ll want to wish them a lifetime of happiness. This is another point where a quote, song or advice fits in well.
Some things to remember while composing your speech:
– Start writing early so you have plenty of time to rehearse.
– Do not have too many cocktails before you give the speech. You want to be able to stand up straight and speak loudly and clearly.
– Keep it brief. Keep the length around 3-5 minutes.
– Keep it appropriate. Do not tell stories that embarrass the couple and do not tell inappropriate stories that would make anyone listening feel uncomfortable. If your speech was in a movie, you’d want it to be rated G.
Overall, be confident and you will give a great toast! Cheers!