Great Gifts for Your Youngest Wedding Attendants
Tradition dictates that couples give gifts to their wedding party members to thank them for playing such important roles. Gifts for the grown up attendants are often familiar standards like monogrammed bags, jewelry to be worn on the wedding day or personalized satin robes for candid getting ready photos. In some cases, couples gift travel expenses and accommodations, or pay for wardrobe in addition to giving a token of appreciation.
All the people who participate in your wedding give their time and effort to make your big day even better. Take your time choosing the best gifts for them to express how much you appreciate their help.

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Perspective on the Younger Set
Younger attendants require a different approach and they certainly earn the appreciation. Your flower girl, for example, has agreed to take a really scary walk down the aisle, that’s quite a sacrifice for a little person!
Your ring bearer likely cannot figure out why a tie or bow tie is a necessary fashion accessory, and is equally confounded by the idea that you intentionally pinned a flower to his shirt or jacket with a pointy object (the adults have lost their minds!).
Junior attendants make their own kind of sacrifices. Depending on age and personal style, it’s entirely possible yours is looking at junior bridesmaid dresses and wishing she could just wear jeans. They are the hardest of the young attendants to shop for because they still have many childlike qualities but are becoming young adults.
What are some of your options when selecting gifts for your child attendants? Some of our very favorite suggestions are listed by child attendant category below:
For the Flower Girl…
A music box that plays your processional song
Flower girl t-shirts similar in style to the ones you may give your bridesmaids, only appropriate to her age and maturity
Flower girl sunglasses
The kiddie version of the plush or satin robes that some couples gift to their adult attendants
A wedding-themed stuffed animal (who can resist?)
A personalized frame for a picture of her on the wedding day
A customized story book about being a flower girl with her name in it
For the very youngest flower girls – perhaps a wedding Sippy Cup
For the Ring Bearer…
A monogrammed tote of toy cars or blocks to help entertain him during the “hurry up and wait” moments before the wedding.
A piggy bank customized with his name and a little something in it for luck
Personalized ring bearer baseball bat, football, yoyo, basketball – choose from the many options available through personalization sites
The “boy-centric” version of the t-shirts, sunglasses, picture frame, custom ring bearer story, and Sippy Cups mentioned above.
For the Junior Bridesmaid…
A grown-up worthy Spa Day complete with a manicure and pedicure
Jewelry coordinated with the junior bridesmaid dresses to be worn at the wedding, then kept as a memento for a lifetime
Personalized robes and other attire similar to the adult bridesmaids
A personalized iPhone case
A set of monogrammed, personalized thank you notes or stationery
Your expressions of gratitude make the most difference to your youngest attendants. Be thoughtful about selecting their gifts, making them truly personal and you will ensure they feel both appreciated and loved.
Author Bio
Wendy Dessler
Wendy is a super-connector with Outreachmama on behalf of Honeyfund who helps businesses find their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. She frequently writes about the latest advancements in digital marketing and focuses her efforts on developing customized blogger outreach plans depending on the industry and competition.