Event Interface
July 2017
July 2017
Our top 10 tips will help aspiring event planners be successful in their jobs.
- Rise and shine! Wake up to your alarm ready to seize the day with a quick 5-minute meditation in your bedroom. Meditation will not only help you focus on the day ahead, but will start your day with positivity and intention.
- Dress in smart and comfortable attire. We are always meeting with clients and vendors, so looking stylish and professional is a must!
- Make a healthy breakfast. Whether you prefer to concoct a nutrition-packed smoothie for the road or sit down for a hot meal, breakfast is a key component in our morning routine.
- Spend the first 15 minutes in the office organizing your inbox and reviewing your to-do list for the day. If emails came in overnight, answer those that require a quick response and list the other unanswered emails in order of priority on your to-do list.
- Catch up on your favorite special event newsletters and social media accounts.
- We love our office plants! Water and rotate them as needed to maintain that office zen.
- Partake in a morning team meeting to brainstorm and connect with your team on upcoming events. This is where the magic happens!
- Take a power walk on our desk treadmill! As a meeting planner, productivity is a key component in our success rate, and what could be more productive then getting a light workout in while crossing items off of your to-do list.
- Break during the day for some easy stretches, healthy snacks and a substantial and healthy lunch.
- Before ending your work day, clean and organize your desk, check your calendar to see if you have any upcoming meetings you need to prepare for and create your to-do list for the following day. Transfer any items you were not able to achieve that day onto your new to-do list so you can revisit them in the morning. These three items are the most important and proactive part of our day!
See the full feature here!